our beliefs

We believe...

God – He is our all-powerful, loving, holy creator who desires a relationship with us.

The Bible – These 66 books are God’s revelation to us, reliable, and without error and should, therefore, be interpreted literally. The Bible is our supreme authority in all matters of life and faith.

Man – Though created for God’s glory and a relationship with Him, we have all sinned and, as a result have been separated from God spiritually, ultimately resulting in physical death. When we trust Christ, He restores our relationship spiritually and will resurrect our bodies to spend eternity with Him and one another.

Christ – Jesus Christ, fully God and fully Man, was born of a virgin and provides eternal life to those who place their hope for salvation in Him alone as our substitute who died for our sin and was raised from the dead.

Salvation – It is gift of God only and fully through faith in the work of Christ and not ourselves. The confession of our sin and His pledge of our eternal life ought to cause us to turn from sin to good works.

Holy Spirit – As the third Person in the Trinity, He indwells every believer, convicting of sin, teaching righteousness, and empowering God’s children to live out the Christian life by God’s grace and not our own strength as He unifies the Church under Jesus Christ.

Church –Universally, it is the family of God, the body of Christ on earth, made up of all those who have trusted Christ. Locally, it is under the authority of and shepherded by elders who are responsible for carrying out the scriptural mandates of ministry.

Baptism – An outward expression of the inward reality that one has placed their faith in Christ. 

Communion – This time of remembrance is for those who, having trusted in Christ, are members of His body, not necessarily members of this local congregation.

Marriage  - We believe that the Biblical standard for marriage, as described in the both the Old Testament (Gen.2:20-24, Mal.2:14-15) and in the New Testament (Matt 19:4-6, Mark 10:7-9), is the union of one man and one woman.  We exist as a Bible church, meaning that we ascribe to the literal intent of the biblical teaching.  We hold as foundational that God created all human beings as either biological males or females, each with unique roles. (Gen 1:27) and that it is God who assigns gender at our conception (Ps. 139:13-16, Isa. 49:5, Gal.1:15, Judges 13:5. Jer. 1:5).


Eschatology - We believe in the second coming of Christ. His return from heaven will be personal, visible, and glorious, a blessed hope for which we should constantly watch and pray.